After hearing the song on the website, the song sounded a lot slower compared to my version, although they were the same speed. The start showed a mix of drums, bass and vocals, while my version only had drums and bass. The vocal performance was incredible, with the use of vocal overlapping gives the song a whole lot of abstractness. As the whistle comes in, the song sounds almost psychedelic.
Band: Afro Celt Sound System
Song Name: My Secret Bliss
Duration: 7:04
Musical Genre: World Music
Style: Abstract – Dark Sounding
Key: Unknown
Time Signature: 83.98bpm
Instrumentation: drum track, percussion, keyboards, both solo vocals
Performers: Iarla O Lionaird, Sevara and James Mcnally
Sound Quality: Excellent
Performance Issues: None
Research and Produce:
The Prodigy has the technique of adding a new layer of samples every now and then, so I incorporated that technique into my mix.
I used this site for panning techniques, which I used the in abstract keys sample.
There was an abstract ‘robot’ kind of sound, which I EQ’d with a 7 Band EQ, making it sound different and more distinct.
To bring out the drums, I chose 2 drum samples and played them both at the same time. The first drum sample didn’t have a crash at the start, and that’s what was lacking in the mix. So I chose another drum sample with a crash and mix them both at the same time.
This website shows repeat techniques. I cut a section of the whistle sample and repeated them during the catchy drum beat section.
The process of remixing a song was a difficult, frustrating yet rewarding task. I had always wanted to learn how to remix a song, and now I understand how the process is done. I firstly imported the audio from the file into the Pro Tools Session and made a region list. I picked out a few samples and listened to them, considering whether to use them or not. I started out using a simple drum sample and looped it. I added bass, then some abstract keys. I took the use of layering a new sample from The Prodigy. I double tracked the bass, used a reverse cymbal and double tracked the drums. I then panned the abstract keys and added a panflute/whistle sample. I muted every sample except for the whistle and drums, which produces a catchy beat. I added the double tracked bass, along with the guitar sample. The end shows the drum beat being played with the guitars. To finish the song in style, a smooth vocal sound is played to capture the whole songs essence.
A lot of my influences and tastes in music went into mixing this song. Most of the music I listen to have no vocals, so I took that into account. In songs, I like it when there’s a bar of no drums, a reverse cymbal build up, and the drums come back in. I used this technique in the middle of the song, and I believe it’s the best part of the whole mix. I EQ’d these robotic sounding abstract keys to make it sound different to its original sound, also to elevate it more into the track. The smooth vocal sound at the end of the song, I cut out of a backing vocal sample and carefully placed it into the mix.
The major issue I had with this assignment was the samples weren’t in time with the key signature. As I didn’t know how to change the BPM, I slipped every single sample carefully, using the magnifying glass to get the single sample as close together. With close inspection, some samples have a small gap in between them, but are undetectable to the human ear.

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