Sunday, November 11, 2007

MIDI Studies B – Creative Project

A Reason For My Day
Daniel Trembath

I had the idea of remaking a song one of my friends has made, called ‘A Reason For My. I decided to make this song for my MIDI mix because I know how to play and compose it + there’s a broad range of techniques I could use in the song.
A Reason For My Day consists mainly of piano, which I used some velocity changes in notes for it to sound real.
Strings were added; using the technique of keeping them a bit off the beat for added realism.
Bass was added using the techniques we have been taught.
Percussion was used in the form of drums. These drums have different velocities in each hit to sound like a real drummer playing.
A nylon string guitar was used and I incorporated a few pitch bends, giving the feel of the guitar player bending the strings as notes are played.
The song starts off with improvisation of piano with strings and a choir. As the strings build up, the main tune settles in. As the song progresses the bass comes in, giving a catchy feel to the mix.
A small build up occurs and the guitar comes in using pitch bends.
After a few more beats a huge build of the drums will occur and the whole song comes together with an added piano solo.
As the song progresses, it slowly dies down til the finish.
I have used automation for the build-ups. Strings have been automated and gradually gain volume until it hits the peak. Panning has been used in a few fill ins on the strings, choir and drum kit.

MP3 File: Fro MY Dayaysfua.mp3

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