Thursday, November 1, 2007

Sound Engineering - Foley Artist

A Foley Artist is part of the creation of a film/video. Their role is to create most of the sound effects in a film to highlight key sounds to bring out the wholeness of whats being portrayed.

Some examples are:
Insects being squashed - Squeezing the inside of a lemon
Two people kissing - Kissing the back of your hand
Horses running - Clapping two coconut shells together

Some times the Foley Artist will try and mimic what is happening on screen. For 'rustling clothes', they will record a Foley Artist mimicking the same moves for added realism. This can also be explained with 'footsteps'.

Specific skills would be having the skill to recreate such sounds. Also, thinking outside of the square. Knowing what random objects would be useful in creating Foley.


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